On Monday, March 11, 2019 at 8:57:27 AM UTC-7, Ryan Sleevi wrote:
> I don’t think there’s anything inherently wrong with an approach that uses
> a fixed prefix, whether of one bit or more, provided that there is at least
> 64 bits of entropy included in the serial prior to encoding to DER.
> This means a scheme with guarantees a positive INTEGER will generate
> *encoded* serials in the range of one bit to sixty five bits, of the goal
> is to use the smallest possible amount of entropy.
> However, as you note, this issue only arises when one uses the absolute
> minimum. A robust solution is to use 159 bits, the maximum allowed. This
> helps ensure that, even when encoded, it will not exceed 20 bytes, this
> avoiding any client interpretation issues regarding whether the 20 bytes
> mentioned in 5280 are pre-encoding (the intent) or post-encoding (as a few
> embedded libraries implemented).
> Note, however, even with 159 bits of entropy, it’s still possible to have a
> compressed encoding of one byte, due to zero folding. Using a one bit
> prefix in addition to the sign bit (thus, two fixed bits in the serial) can
> help ensure that a leading run of zero bits are not folded when encoding.

Glad you agree 64bit serial numbers can have no fixed bits, as a fixed bit in a 
64 bit serial number would result in less than 64 bits of entropy.  If you are 
going to fix a significant bit it must be beyond the 64th bit.  If your 64 bit 
serial number does not contain 1's in the significant byte, as long as you 
still write 64 full bits of data to the cert with 0's left padded, then the 
desired entropy is achieved and is valid. CAs should keep this in mind while 
building their revocation lists.
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