Le mardi 16 avril 2019 20:44:41 UTC+2, Wayne Thayer a écrit :
> Mozilla has decided that there is sufficient concern [1] about the
> activities and operations of the CA Certinomis to collect together a list
> of issues. That list can be found here:
> https://wiki.mozilla.org/CA/Certinomis_Issues
> Note that this list may expand or contract over time as issues are
> investigated further, with information either from our or our community's
> investigations or from Certinomis.
> We expect Certinomis to engage in a public discussion of these issues and
> give their comments and viewpoint. We also hope that our community will
> make comments, and perhaps provide additional information based on their
> own investigations.
> When commenting on these issues, please clearly state which issue you are
> addressing on each occasion. The issues have been given identifying letters
> and numbers to help with this.
> At the end of a public discussion period between Mozilla, our community,
> and Certinomis, which we hope will be no longer than a couple of weeks,
> Mozilla will move to make a decision about how to respond to these
> concerns, based on the picture which has then emerged.
> - Wayne
> [1] https://wiki.mozilla.org/CA/Maintenance_and_Enforcement#Recurring_Issues

Dear All,

Before detailing my answer, I would like to refute opinions that Certinomis 
does not take these subjects seriously: since February the management of 
Certinomis was directly involved in the exchanges with the Mozilla community, 
decisions were made and are implemented.

I acknowledge that I was surprised by the multiple topics that were grouped by 
Wayne THAYER on the CA/Certinomis issues page. I would also like to thank Wayne 
THAYER for his analysis of a technical point of view that distinguished 
different categories of problems.

For my part, my role is above all to advance the practice of Certinomis, and 
for this I must classify the problems according to their cause, because the 
best way to solve a problem is to correct its cause. And I will allow myself to 
structure my answer according to this classification that I made of problems, 
reserving for the end the Issue A (Startcom Signing) that I really did not 
expect to hear about.

- First cause of problems: An organization of the technical direction not 
adapted to the plan of charge in 2018

In 2018, Certinomis carried out several projects to renew its technical 
capabilities (new production site, new PKI software, adaptation to BR 1.6.5, 
among others). Franck as our Technical Director led all this work. And at the 
same time, Frank was Mozilla’s only point of contact. Inevitably there has been 
errors in settings (e.g. Issue F4 & F5) or incomplete corrections (Bug 1496088 
comment#20 and answer that are part of Issue F3) and low reactivity (Issue B 
until November 2018) and perhaps editorial errors when updating PCs and DPCs 
(for example Issue D, rule is mentioned in figures, but the 
description, in English, is that of rule

-->Response to Cause 1: 

   - Action 1: 
   Franck’s departure was an opportunity to restructure Certinomis’ technical   
  management with three roles for caring of SSL activity.
- an internal audit team independent of the project management is in place; the 
structure that ensures it has implemented a daily linting post-issuance control 
since April 1st, to allow us to detect without delay any possible mistake.
- An employee of the quality team of Certinomis will be designated as the main 
contact of the CA/B Forum and Mozilla (but not the only point of contact).
To be complete on this topic the transition between Franck and another person 
had been prepared during the three months following his decision to leave.
But it soon became clear that the person chosen was not fitted to the role. It 
is for this reason that I have resumed the discussion with Mozilla personally, 
and I intend to remain engaged on the subject until the situation is stabilized.
-- PKI’s project management will carry out changes, settings and corrections.

The idea is to separate those who propose the evolutions, those who realize 
them and those who control them. In this way each one carries out his task 
without being inhibited by the constraints of the other.

- Second cause of problem: insufficient syntax control for certificate request 
processed by Enterprise RAs.

Several problems have been reported for certificates issued for the domains 
"laposte.fr" and "labanquepostale.fr".
La Poste and La Banque Postale belong to the La Poste group, as well as 
Certinomis. For each of these two companies an external RA was set up by 
Certinomis, to facilitate the issuance of certificates on the two domains 
controlled by these two companies. The ownership of domain names and the 
authorisation of operators have been established beforehand.
In this context, it has recently happened that CSRs generated by technicians on 
their servers are inserted by the operators in the AE software and that the 
syntax errors they contained are not highlighted by the RA software neither 
detected by operators (a space in a domain name, truncated domain names, empty 
SANs, function names instead of geographical indications etc. (Issues F1 & F2).
Under no circumstances could these errors lead, or could lead, to the supply to 
an illegitimate person for this purpose of a certificate containing a real 
domain name.

-->Responses to Cause 2: 

- Action 2: Entreprise RAs have been temporarily deactivated to allow us to 
correct this situation.

- Action no. 3: The action carried out as a priority was to install the 
pre-issuance linting. It is now operational as we committed to.

- Action 4: The next action will be to strengthen control on the locality field 
in these external RAs.

- Third cause of problem: human-based registration.

Several certificates were issued in good faith for testing by operators of 
Certinomis (Issue F3). To understand, it is necessary to know that for our 
other ranges of certificates, it is sometimes necessary to provide a test 
certificate from the production CAs, for the purpose of testing complex 
applications from end to end. Well, in those cases, the operator must display 
the word "TEST" in the significant fields; and in order that the invalidity of 
these certificates be even more evident to third parties who rely, we have, 
voluntarily, created fictitious organizations whose name is intended to make 
evident this fictitious character, and above all, also a fictitious 
organization identifier. The objective is that no one can be misled with any of 
these certificates.

This practice is forbidden by the CA/B Forum, I do not discuss it, and simply I 
explain why the operators of Certinomis could have made these errors.

Another error related to human control occurred in February 2019: the town hall 
of Le Cannet, client of Certinomis for several years, was mistaken in writing 
its application form and requested a domain name "mediatheque-lecannet.fr" 
instead of "mediatheque.lecannet.fr". And the Certinomis RA operator did not 
notice that instead of a dot there was a dash. 
The employee who validated this request made an indisputable error, even though 
I am convinced that his vigilance would have been stronger for an unknown 

--> Responses to cause 3:

- Action no. 5: for test certificates, the solution was to isolate the test 
organizations in a registration area where PTC SSL certificates are not 
available. This solution is now fully in place.

- Action no. 6: Certinomis has developed a function for sending e-mails in 
accordance with BR 1.6.5 method This function will be in production 
by May 15, and then it will no longer be possible for a human operator to add 
or validate a domain name without a positive response according to

On these three main causes of problem, Certinomis has already started to act, 
certain actions have been completed (action n°2, action n°3, action n°5) one is 
partially completed (action n°1) and the others will be completed within a 
maximum of one month (action n°6) or two months (action n°4). And our efforts 
will not stop, other improvements are already in the works and will have to be 
added to our road map (implementation of method for example).

I don’t want to finish this answer without going back to the A issue, the 
Startcom cross-sign.
I will not repeat all the history, Franck LEROY had detailed it in his e-mail 
of 07/08/2017 at 11.21:46 (UTC+2), but simply summarize my point of view: at no 
time did we in this case violate an existing rule, nor did we assist or seek to 
assist Startcom in circumventing the remediation plan proposed by Mozilla; on 
the contrary, we asked the Mozilla staff beforehand if what we wanted to do was 
acceptable, we clearly made it a condition for Iñigo to follow the plan and 
waited to be convinced that he had done so, and when, after all these 
precautions, we were told that we had not understood this remedial plan, we 
revoked both CAs without discussion.
I hadn’t heard anything about it in those two years. 
So what is the factual criticism that is being made now, two years later? I 
don’t know about that.
And what is the link with our difficulties of this year? None!

In conclusion, I would like to remind you that Certinomis, although a modest 
player in the SSL business, is a respectably well-known company in France, 
qualified for several ranges of certificates, and which provides personal 
signature certificates for many organizations, large companies, ministries and 
local communities.

This good reputation does not justify the errors that are currently highlighted.
But this fame was not obtained by chance, and on the contrary, it is a 
testament to our know-how, our work and the rigour we put into it.

And I believe that considering this is likely to reassure the Mozilla community 
and restore its confidence: It’s true that we have been initially destabilized 
by the barrage of questions and bug notifications that started just after the 
departure of our former technical director Franck LEROY. 
But the attention paid to this issue over the past three months and especially 
the rapid progress of our action plan show that we are taking these matters 
seriously and that we are able to play our role as a CA as well in the rules of 
the CA/B Forum than in the other rules to which we are subject.

Kind Regards,

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