On 10/05/2019 02:22, Wayne Thayer wrote:
Thank you for this response Francois. I have added it to the issues list
[1]. Because the response is not structures the same as the issues list, I
did not attempt to associate parts of the response with specific issues. I
added the complete response to the bottom of the page.

On Thu, May 9, 2019 at 9:27 AM fchassery--- via dev-security-policy <
dev-security-policy@lists.mozilla.org> wrote:

In response to the email from Franck that you mention, Gerv responded [1]
by quoting the plan he had approved and stating "This seems to be very
different to the plan you implemented." By cross-signing Startcom's old
roots, Certinomis did assist Startcom in circumventing the remediation
plan, and by proposing one plan then implementing a different one,
Certinomis did so without Mozilla's consent.

As can be seen from your [3] link, Certinomis cross-signed StartCom's
NEW supposedly remediated 2017 hierarchy, not the old root.

However it was still wrong.

Startcom misissued a number of certificates (e.g. [3]) under that
cross-signing relationship that Certinomis is responsible for as the
Mozilla program member.

By cross-signing Startcom's roots, Certinomis also took responsibility for
Startcom's qualified audit.

I will also add this information to the issues list.

- Wayne

[1] https://wiki.mozilla.org/CA/Certinomis_Issues
[3] https://crt.sh/?opt=cablint&id=160150786


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