On Thursday, July 18, 2019 at 3:42:00 PM UTC-4, Matthew Hardeman wrote:
> Regarding indicators, I agree that it should be more apparent.  Perhaps a
> dedicated bar that occupies an entire edge-to-edge horizontal area.
> I would propose that it might have two distinct messages, as well:
> 1.  A message that an explicitly known MiTM certificate exists in the
> certificate chain being relied upon.  This would allow for explicit warning
> about known MiTM infrastructures and would allow tailoring any "more info"
> resource to explicitly call out that it is known that interception is being
> performed.
> 2.  A message that indicates that a non-standard certificate chain is being
> presented, which might mean corporate interception, private websites within
> an organization, etc, etc.
> On Thu, Jul 18, 2019 at 2:11 PM Andrew via dev-security-policy <
> dev-security-policy@lists.mozilla.org> wrote:
> > I agree a persistent indicator is a good idea. From what I understand
> > Firefox does already have an indicator hidden in the site information box
> > that appears when you click the lock icon in the address bar (
> > https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1549605 ). This should be
> > more visible in my opinion. Maybe add an asterisk next to the lock icon or
> > something.
> >
> >

I don’t think a persistent visual indicator on the browser chrome is a terribly 
effective solution, for two reasons:

1)      This warning will presumably be displayed all the time when the MITM 
root is installed and browsing from a Kazakh ISP. There’s nothing actionable 
that the user can do except remove the MITM root (and break your Internet 
connection, more or less) or leave the country, so it becomes a nag warning. 
This warning will merely induce warning fatigue for the user, so when another 
attacker attempts to MITM a connection (perhaps to steal financial information) 
or otherwise encounters certificate validation errors, the user will be 
desensitized to these warning messages and click right through the warning 
2)      By the time the persistent visual indicator is displayed, significant 
damage has already been done, as the browser has completed the intercepted 
HTTPS connection and sent their HTTP session state (cookies, etc.) to the 
attacker. This damage is greatly compounded if the user accesses the Internet 
from a non-Kazakh ISP to visit (or login to) websites that the government 
disapproves of. When the user returns to using the Kazakh ISP, their previous 
login sessions that were first established externally will have their session 
state data (session cookies, etc.) sent to the government, so the government 
can engage in session fixation attacks or otherwise leverage this information. 
A persistent visual indicator would not help at all in this scenario.

I was originally thinking that as an alternative to the persistent visual 
indicator, perhaps some blacklist of known MITM CA certificates can be created 
and content specific to each certificate explaining the risks of installing 
each certificate could be displayed in response to the user selecting the CA 
certificate to be added to the trust store. The user could then see the risks 
of installing the certificate and make a better-informed choice on whether to 
proceed with the installation. However, I don’t think this is a very effective 
solution either, as it requires that the user understand this information 
despite it being contrary to what the government is directing them to do, so it 
would merely serve to confuse a lot of users.

I think the optimal solution in terms of user security is to create a blacklist 
of known MITM CA public keys and simply prevent the installation of 
certificates containing these public keys in the trust store. If several 
browsers could coordinate on such an effort, then perhaps that would pressure 
the government to back down on their demand to intercept TLS communications 
because their root is would be incompatible with major browsers.

dev-security-policy mailing list
  • Re: Nation State MITM CA'... starosekpd--- via dev-security-policy
    • Re: Nation State MIT... Wayne Thayer via dev-security-policy
      • Re: Nation State... Wayne Thayer via dev-security-policy
        • Re: Nation S... Matthew Hardeman via dev-security-policy
          • Re: Nati... Andrew via dev-security-policy
            • Re:... Matthew Hardeman via dev-security-policy
              • ... gewalopdrbat--- via dev-security-policy
              • ... healthyelijah--- via dev-security-policy
              • ... Corey Bonnell via dev-security-policy
                • ... Matthew Hardeman via dev-security-policy
                • ... jfb1776--- via dev-security-policy
                • ... whateverusernameforme--- via dev-security-policy
            • Re:... wolfgang.richter--- via dev-security-policy
              • ... mucius--- via dev-security-policy
                • ... peridiane--- via dev-security-policy
              • ... Troy Cauble via dev-security-policy
                • ... Matthew Hardeman via dev-security-policy
                • ... bayden--- via dev-security-policy
                • ... Jakob Bohm via dev-security-policy

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