On Thu, Dec 19, 2019 at 3:12 PM Ryan Sleevi <r...@sleevi.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Dec 19, 2019 at 12:10 PM Wayne Thayer via dev-security-policy <
> dev-security-policy@lists.mozilla.org> wrote:
>> All,
>> I've drafted a new email and survey that I plan to send to all CAs in the
>> Mozilla program in early January. it focuses on compliance with the new
>> (2.7) version of our Root Store Policy. I will appreciate your review and
>> feedback on the draft:
>> https://ccadb-public.secure.force.com/mozillacommunications/CACommunicationSurveySample?CACommunicationId=a051J00003waNOW
> ## ACTION 1 ##
> One thing that I think came up from the past CA communications is that CAs
> assert this, but then end up failing to actually implement.
> Perhaps it may be worthwhile to be more explicit here about the
> expectations:
> """
> Read version 2.7 of Mozilla's Root Store Policy.
> CAs are expected to review and abide by Version 2.7 of Mozilla's Root
> Store Policy. This includes a number of changes from previous versions. CAs
> MUST review this policy and ensure compliance, and CAs SHOULD carefully
> review the differences from previous versions of Mozilla's Policy. These
> changes have been discussed on mozilla.dev.security.policy and on GitHub.
> CAs that did not participate in these discussions or that have not yet
> reviewed these conversations should also review the discussions regarding
> these changes, to reduce the chance of confusion or misinterpretation.
> CAs are encouraged to raise any questions that they do not feel addressed
> in the Policy, or which the discussions and reasoning for the changes was
> not clear.
> """
> There's probably a better way to word all of this, but where I'm trying to
> emphasize
> - The policy is the policy, and the ideal goal is that the policy stands
> by itself
> - That said, CAs understandably can misinterpret new policies when they
> use the logic of past policies or interpretations, while someone reading
> the policy fresh or which participated in the discussions about the policy
> would not be confused by
> - Even though CAs are required to follow m.d.s.p., the length of time for
> Policy 2.7 may mean they have had turnover or knowledge drain or simply
> forgot, so it's good to remind them that they can find information about
> each and every change discussed here or on GitHub, and they're expected to
> be familiar with it
> I'm trying to flag the "We didn't follow the discussion and continued to
> use our old interpretation" scenario, and see if there's something that can
> be done to remind folks to pay attention.
I've incorporated these suggestions.

## ACTION 3 ##
> Would it make sense to add a third option, "All end-entity certificates
> that we issue or have issued after [date] and are within..." and let folks
> specify a date?
> I largely mention this because it's an existing Microsoft requirement as I
> understand it, and is somewhat enforced by Apple (at least for TLS) since
> July, so it may be that CAs are already compliant for new certificates, but
> also have unexpired old certificates that are not compliant. It may be that
> the answer is supposed to be "#1", but that wasn't immediately obvious to
> me when I first read.
> Alternatively, it might be clearer to reword that "Beginning on 1 July,
> 2020, *new* end-entity ...", to emphasize that it's not that
> Firefox/Mozilla will begin enforcing on 2020-07-01, but that certificates
> issued on/after that date will be required to be compliant (presumably,
> measured by notBefore)
I made both of these changes as well.

## ACTION 5 ##
> I'm not sure if Salesforce forms allow it, but is it possible to have
> Action 5 include both a date selector and a comment field? It might make it
> easier to have consistency for options 3 & 4. Like "ACTION 5 Date" and
> "ACTION 5 Comments"
> Of course, if it doesn't, no worries.

I added an optional date entry field to this question.

All of these changes are now published at link I shared.
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