On Sat, Mar 07, 2020 at 09:07:11AM -0500, Ryan Sleevi wrote:
> Thanks. I filed  https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1620772

I'll give points to SSL.com for a speedy initial response, but I'm a bit
disconcerted about this:

> The fingerpint of the claimed Debian weak key was not included in our 
> database.

I think it's worth determining exactly where SSL.com obtained their
fingerprint database of weak keys.  The private key in my possession, which
I generated for inclusion in the pwnedkeys.com database, was obtained by
using the script provided in the `openssl-blacklist` source package, with no
special options or modifications.

The key used in this certificate is not one for a niche architecture or
unusual configuration -- i386 was the dominant architecture at the time of
the flaw, and 2048 bits is a standard key size.  It would be somewhat more
understandable if the key was, say, a 4096 bit key generated on a MIPS
machine (it took *aaaaaaaaaaaages* to generate all of those), although it
would still be a Debian weak key and thus still be a BR violation to issue a
certificate for it.

On the off-chance that there *was* a mistake in my key generation procedure,
*and* a one-in-a-trillion collision of private keys, I've confirmed that the
public key of the certificate in question is in the `openssl-blacklist`
Debian package (https://packages.debian.org/jessie/openssl-blacklist,
uploaded in 2011) with the following command:

    grep $(wget -O - -q https://crt.sh/?d=2531502044 \
        | openssl x509 -noout -pubkey \
        | openssl rsa -pubin -noout -modulus \
        | sha1sum | cut -d ' ' -f 1 | cut -c 21-) \

As further independent confirmation, the crt.sh page for the certificate
shows that crt.sh *also* identifies the certificate as having a Debian weak
key.  My understanding is that crt.sh uses a database of keys that was
independently generated by the operator of the crt.sh service.

- Matt

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