On Wed, Jan 27, 2021 at 2:45 PM Burton <j...@0.me.uk> wrote:

> I included the remediation plan in the proposal because a CA will mostly
> always include a remediation plan when they reach the stage of serious
> non-compliance investigation by root store policy owners.

Sure, but I was more asking: are you aware of any point in the past where
the remediation plan has been valuable, useful or appropriate? I'm not.

The expectation is continuous remediation, so any remediation plan at a
later stage seems too little, too late, right? The very intentional goal of
the incident reporting was to transition to a continuous improvement
process, where the CA was evaluated based on their
contemporaneous remediation to incidents, rather than waiting until things
get so bad they pile up and a remediation plan is used.

So I'm trying to understand what a remediation plan would include, during
discussion, that wouldn't (or, more explicitly, shouldn't) have been
included in the incident reports as they happened?

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