On Wednesday 2007-01-31 10:43 -0500, Christopher Aillon wrote:
> Can we get a good explanation as to how people will be flooded with 
> bugmail first?  I fail to see how that is the case.  Sure, if they watch 
> the security@ alias, but not with proper component watching and mail 
> filtering.  It's only slightly more of a setup per individual, but not 
> by much.
> I'd rather understand why we need things before trying to understand why 
> we don't.

Agreed.  You don't want too few people in one of the security
groups, since that just makes it more likely that security-sensitive
bugs will go unnoticed because two of the three people with access
to them are on vacation and the third is behind on email.


L. David Baron                                <URL: http://dbaron.org/ >
           Technical Lead, Layout & CSS, Mozilla Corporation

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