I very much appreciate your thoughts and advices! As I'm trying to help 
another open source project, which uses a different license than the 
ones Mozilla offers, I'm not going to pursue this matter much further, 
except giving them the same advices you gave me. Thanks a lot to you all!

Frank Hecker wrote:
> Eddy Nigg (StartCom Ltd.) wrote:
>> So is the assumption correct, that if I or anybody else extracts the CA 
>> certificates from certdata.txt and uses the result of it, isn't bound to 
>> any licensing constraints, similar as the content of a web page which 
>> the browser displays isn't part of the software itself?
> Eddy, if you want a definitive answer on this you really need to consult 
> a lawyer. All that Gerv, Nelson, I, or anyone else can give you is our 
> personal opinion, which to be honest with you is worth exactly zero 
> should you ever get into a legal dispute.
> If you're interested in pursuing this further, I'd be glad to correspond 
> with you via email to give you and your lawyer my personal opinions on 
> the situation.
> Frank

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