> It seems reasonable to mitigate both of those without using CSP at all.


But the current spec was trying to address them. For e.g all the
img-src, frame-src , frame-ancestor, font-src, style-src isn't really
needed for preventing XSS (afaik). My view is that there is not
problem with including them. The word 'content-security-policy' is
very generic. If it is only going to apply for XSS then you should
rename it to something more specific.

> clickjacking. NoScript's "ClearClick" seems to do a pretty good job
> (after a rough start) and gets to the heart of the issue without
> requiring site changes.

Agreed. I am nott sure if it would be easy for browser vendors to
actually implement something like ClearClick. Ideally ClearClick is
the correct way to solve the threat (over frame ancestors).

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