Brandon Sterne wrote:
I'd like to take a quick step back before we proceed further with the modularization discussion. I think it is fine to split CSP into modules, but with the following caveats:

1. Splitting the modules based upon different threat models doesn't seem to be the right approach. There are many areas where the threats we want to mitigate overlap in terms of browser functionality. A better approach, IMHO, is to create the modules based upon browser capabilities. With those capability building blocks, sites can then construct policy sets to address any given threat model (including ones we haven't thought of yet).

Part of the value of the threat-centric module approach is it facilitates analysis of the defensive efficacy of CSP directives. This can point us to additional policies that are needed for more complete coverage, and reveal policies that are superfluous (I'm not saying any existing proposed policy is useless) and browser vendors need not implement. However, as Lucas rightly pointed out, the correctness of this analysis is dependent on our awareness and understanding of threats.

If browser implementers are to pick and choose among CSP policies to support (besides XSS related ones, we agree), there should ideally be some reference that indicates the combined set of policies that are needed to mitigate each threat. This can aid browser implementers in deciding which policies to implement. For instance, if some browser vendor wants to support CSP protection against CSRF attacks, the vendor should know that it's of limited use to only strip cookies from form submissions; form action URIs must also be constrained to a set of trusted origins.

Perhaps the spec can have an appendix recommending sets of directives for several significant threats, based on some thorough analysis of each threat, citing known capabilities and limitations of each set. This can benefit the spec writers, browser implementors and web developers.

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