On Mon, 12 Nov 2012 11:45:04 -0500
Johnathan Nightingale <john...@mozilla.com> wrote:

> It's true that sometimes non-security changes have major security
> impacts (c.f. session restore making people more willing to apply
> updates). I also agree that each poster in our newsgroups represents
> a constituency (100x may or may not be right, let's say it is).

I just found out what tabs ! on top was (I wouldn't call it bottom
myself) and can't believe the fuss about this. OTOH it would be really
cool if fireox UI was as controllable as Opera's. I love Opera's
ability to put many control settings anywhere, be it top or
actually on the bottom bar, things like plugins, javascript or cookies
enabled toggles. Cookie management could do with some work on all
browsers. The combo for mobile firefox of noscript becoming
incompatible and now beta again and removing the javascript toggle from
the menu must have had a severe security impact and made good security
advice to users od limiting js to what is necessary, now have no chance
of being followed.

Extensions to toggle these pose their own risks so unless they
are released and verifiable as mozillas then those could even be worse.
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