On 30/09/13 18:35, Igor Bukanov wrote:
> This stops lazy thieves that capture the password or one-time-codes
> for later use while modifying original ones so a banking site would
> reply with a password error page. This way the thieves do not need to
> develop any fake pages etc. However, this is useless against more
> sophisticated attacks that either replace the original banking page
> entirely or patch its elements to minimize the work to emulate the
> page design and then capture the passwords.

Why is this attack not thwarted by the use of external secure keys?
That's what my bank has issued me. The one-time 6-digit PIN is tied to
some transactional data (last 4 digits of tranferee account number) and
so can't be captured and reused for a different transfer.

This seems like a better route than trying to do secure transactions on
an insecure machine.


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