Boris Zbarsky wrote:
On 10/22/12 10:15 AM, Brendan Eich wrote:
Defined in terms of "not important" == "can put in perf penalty box" of
some non-trivial penalty-size.

This is always true. It only takes one benchmark that takes off that exercises something you assumed was rare for you to be screwed.

Not quite a truism. We know document.write has to be fast ( We don't know adoptNode has to be fast, and any new benchmark trying to "take off" (like SunSpider did when there was a vacuum in JS benchmarks) will face push-back, probably from multiple browser implementors.

That said, I would want the extra work done on adopt to be _small_. Scanning the whole heap, say, would NOT be acceptable.

Agreed. You wrote "(e.g. the -moz-element stuff would have that, perhaps, and things like image loads and whatnot)". Can we (heh, you rather than me) enumerate cases for Servo and rule out a general heap scan?

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