On 10/22/12 10:29 AM, Brendan Eich wrote:
We know document.write has to be fast

1) document.write is not fast (though of course "fast" is a relative concept).
2)  How slow it is depends on what's passed to the call.

Just fyi.

This has nothing to do with adoptNode.

Agreed. You wrote "(e.g. the -moz-element stuff would have that,
perhaps, and things like image loads and whatnot)". Can we (heh, you
rather than me) enumerate cases for Servo and rule out a general heap scan?

The set of cases will depend on the exact web technologies, now and future, that Servo supports, and that's a moving target.

But basically, if you're holding a node pointer and you're not its parent/child/sibling, then obviously you'll need to deal with it being copied on adopt if that's what we're doing.... The simplest way to deal is to use a helper of some sort to hold such pointers instead of holding raw pointers.


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