Sounds good. Just one comment:

On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 6:18 PM, Patrick Walton <> wrote:

> (1) The DOM representation needs to be made into a Rust struct, using the
> unsafe code scheme I alluded to in my reply to Boris.

I'm pretty sure you already know this, but --- making the DOM and layout
implementation machinery both convenient and guaranteed-safe to write is
nearly as important as making it fast. You need to be able to have 1000
monkeys implementing DOM/layout features without being able to do anything
that could subvert the integrity of the system :-).

BTW I assume when you update the wiki you'll include the reasoning that led
you to abandon COW ... I'm curious about that.

Wrfhf pnyyrq gurz gbtrgure naq fnvq, “Lbh xabj gung gur ehyref bs gur
Tragvyrf ybeq vg bire gurz, naq gurve uvtu bssvpvnyf rkrepvfr nhgubevgl
bire gurz. Abg fb jvgu lbh. Vafgrnq, jubrire jnagf gb orpbzr terng nzbat
lbh zhfg or lbhe freinag, naq jubrire jnagf gb or svefg zhfg or lbhe fynir
— whfg nf gur Fba bs Zna qvq abg pbzr gb or freirq, ohg gb freir, naq gb
tvir uvf yvsr nf n enafbz sbe znal.” [Znggurj 20:25-28]
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