Robert O'Callahan wrote:
> I thought we were going to rely on Rust's
> isolation mechanisms for this kind of finer-grained isolation. I
> thought that was a big part of the point of introducing Rust in the
> first place 

Let's make the assumption that some future web browser-like thing, intended for 
the general public to use as their everyday web access, will be based on Servo. 
I'm sure that these questions are FAQs, but I could not find the answers:

1. How much of that thing will be written in JS and the safe subset of Rust? 
What are the non-JS, non-Rust components that it would have? In particular, do 
we expect to rewrite all of the imported code that currently comprises browser 
like Chrome and Firefox, such as WebRTC, FreeType, sqlite, etc.?

2. What are the security goals for that first version of that thing? What is 
the end goal as far as security goals?

3. Will that thing support Flash or any other plugins?

> true "process per origin" can't really scale to
> large Web workloads because processes carry a lot of overhead,

4. What are the targeted minimum hardware requirements for the thing?

5. What is our model of the user's use of the thing?

FWIW, not even the Chromium guys are trying "process per origin." Their current 
experiment is "process per site," where a "site" is same eTLD+1, e.g. 
* Also, if you have 100 different sites open, that doesn't mean 
that you need to have 100 loaded processes, even in the process-per-site model.

> but language-based isolation potentially can since the overhead
> can be a lot lower. I thought that was a big part of the point
> of Servo!

I think there is no doubt that Rust on its own brings a lot of security 
advantages to a browser-like thing based on Servo. But, as the design document 
notes, there are things that Rust can't do. For example, Rust can't, in 
general, stop you from writing "if (!x)" instead of "if (x)" like I did in a 
recent NSS bug.

> (Of course a big sandbox around the entire browser, or independent
> browsing contexts, could still be useful as a second line of defense
> to prevent the system from being persistently corrupted in case of a
> Rust exploit.)

I think access/modification of cookies, passwords, and other security-sensitive 
data within the browser will be (if not already) just as sensitive as 
access/modification of anything local to the computer for typical computer 
users. And, I think we can go further and say that the damage from allowing a 
violation of same-origin policy will approach (and, in some configurations, 
exceed) the damage done by escaping from a hypothetical whole-browser sandbox. 
Consequently, I think that we'd be best served by concentrating effort on 
guaranteeing the enforcement of same-origin policy (which subsumes protection 
of credentials and arbitrary code execution with the full rights of the user 
account running the thing based on Servo) in *some* useful way. I think there 
are several different reasonable alternatives for doing that, based on what our 
risk tolerance is in terms of security, and what our risk tolerance is in terms 
of overhead.

I am very interested in, and supportive of, the idea that we can eventually 
write highly-secure, high-performance software without relying on sandboxing in 
the way that every other browser does it. Just, from all the things I've read 
and heard, it is very unclear that Servo will end up to be competitive in terms 
of security with competitors in a reasonable timeframe given a reasonable 
estimation of resources, especially if Google's process-per-site experiment is 
successful. That is why I think it is valuable to further explore how 
sandboxing could be used to increase security assurance and reduce risk for the 
project. And, my concern is that if we wait until after we've designed and 
implemented huge chunks of Rust, we'll find any work to attempt sandboxing to 
be a drag on the project, instead of an accelerant. Or, in other words, I think 
that if we have a good plan for sandboxing now, then there's a good chance that 
sandboxing could help us ship some thing based on Servo to r
 eal people faster.

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