I forgot. I was referring to https://github.com/mozilla/servo/wiki/Roadmap

Le 25/02/2014 12:57, James Graham a écrit :
Having said that, I don't think that using "IE8 parity" as a metric is very useful. IE8 takes a lot of non-standard codepaths on real sites, so merely targeting the standard features it implements is not going to give you an end result that is actually compatible with all the sites that work with IE8 (for example, I believe that IE8 still has the old attachEvent junk rather than the standard addEventListener API, so by a literal reading of the above you wouldn't implement events at all).
blah :-p Yes of course, don't do a literal reading. What I tried to convey takes lots of words if aiming at accuracy and I feel "IE8 parity" roughly conveys it. Among other things, I'm obviously not recommanding to remove features that are already in Servo, but not in IE8 ;-) My main point was about the supported-website-count/effort ratio. And that aiming at some IE8 features may be more relevant than Acid3 features, especially looking at the second overarching goal ("render most web pages faithfully") and Q4 goal.

I think a better way to proceed is to try to implement the parts that change the underlying architecture as early as possible (so, on the DOM side, this would be HTML parsing, page loading, script scheduling, history navigation, etc.)
I agree with you and roc on this part and didn't mention it because I agree. Only the Acid3 part felt a bit off (at least for now. I acknowledge the PR value, but it doesn't seem like a concern for 2014)

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