>  From my point of view, especially with my work lately, one of the most
> important questions that Servo needs to answer is "how much parallelism
> can we gain on real-world Web sites?" To that end, Web site
> compatibility (which Acid2 is a rough proxy for a large subset of, if
> used sensibly [1]) is a useful thing to work on. Otherwise, we don't
> know whether the parallel gains that we are getting will scale up to
> real-world usage, or whether we're only getting them because we don't
> implement the difficult features.

Is it possible to programmatically identify CSS rules or page layouts which 
would benefit from the parallelism that Servo potentially offers? For the CSS 
un/prefixing debate I/we had some success in deploying web crawlers that parsed 
and summarized millions of CSS rules from thousands of sites. Could something 
similar be of use for quantifying the lowest hanging parallelism fruit for 

Said another way, is it possible to create a targeted benchmark for Servo 
compatibility and performance?


John Jensen | Director, Metrics | Mozilla Corporation
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