Manuzhai wrote:
Even with the danger of opening a can of worms here, I wonder what the status on inclusion of the root cert is. The bug [1] has very interesting and lively discussion over a span of, oh, 30 months, and on the status page [2] it says that the CAcert inclusion is Pending, while most other inclusions that haven't been approved seem to say Processing. What does CAcert need to do to get from Pending to Processing? The audit doesn't seem like the necessary step, as there are other CA's mentioned as Processing which don't have an audit.

The "pending" vs. "processing" distinction is confusing and not really necessary; also, "processing" didn't have anything to do with having an audit or not. I can't remember why I made this distinction, and I'll probably just change all the status indicators to use "pending", and eliminate the use of "processing".

Regarding, the basic situation is that, like all CAs, it has to go through some sort of audit or audit-like process. If you want to know what they're currently doing with regard to that requirement, I suggest contacting CAcert directly; I don't want to speak for them.


Frank Hecker
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