Primo It wrote:
> Is possible to get only de Personal Certificates?
> the getPermCerts brings all certificates and getCACerts brigns all CA
> certificates.
> Is there some method that get just de Personal Certificates?

Primo,  Apparently your questions concern the Java JSS CryptoManager class,
which has methods by those names.  I hope one of our JSS experts will
answer that question soon.

You also asked:

> How can i get de installed tokens devices driver

Which either means:
a) how can I enumerate the tokens for a PKCS#11 module? or
b) how can I enumerate the installed PKCS#11 modules?

I'm not sure which of those questions you're asking.

> How can i set a new token device programacticali

I think you're asking how to install a new PKCS#11 module, but I'm not sure.

Please expect most questions to be answered after 1-2 business days.

Nelson B
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

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