JSS does not have a method to just return the EE certs.

To do this first call getPermCerts to get all  the certs
then you can build your list by checking the CertUsage
and making a list of the certs that have the usages you want.

example code that should help you write what you to do:


your should be able to use most of the code in validateCertInDB to build
your EE list.


Primo It wrote:
First sorry for my english, i don`t do speak so good.
I hope you can understand what i say below.

I want to say by "personal" not accurately certificates for which I have (private) key, but final certificates that are not CA cert neither OCSP responder.

I want to do it because when i crypt a file, in most cases i very probably don`t do it to an CA. (why i would want do cryptographa file to a CA?) so why i would show this certificates (CA and OCSP responder) to the user choose.

Primo It

"David Stutzman" <dstutzman*at*dsci-usa.com> escreveu na mensagem news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Primo It wrote:
Is possible to get only de Personal Certificates?
the getPermCerts brings all certificates and getCACerts brigns all CA certificates.
Is there some method that get just de Personal Certificates?

Primo It
If by "personal" you mean "certs I have keys for", then try calling PK11_ListCerts and passing PK11CertListUserUnique as the first parameter. If that's not what you meant then try one of the other PK11CertListType members of the enum (which is defined in secmodt.h).


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