First sorry for my english, i don`t do speak so good.
I hope you can understand what i say below.

I want to say by "personal" not accurately certificates for which I have 
(private) key, but final certificates that are not CA cert neither OCSP 

I want to do it because when i crypt a file, in most cases i very probably 
don`t do it to an CA. (why i would want do cryptographa file to a CA?)
so why i would show this certificates (CA and OCSP responder) to the user 

Primo It

"David Stutzman" <dstutzman*at*> escreveu na mensagem 
> Primo It wrote:
>> Is possible to get only de Personal Certificates?
>> the getPermCerts brings all certificates and getCACerts brigns all CA 
>> certificates.
>> Is there some method that get just de Personal Certificates?
>> Thanks
>> Primo It
> If by "personal" you mean "certs I have keys for", then try calling 
> PK11_ListCerts and passing PK11CertListUserUnique as the first parameter. 
> If that's not what you meant then try one of the other PK11CertListType 
> members of the enum (which is defined in secmodt.h).
> Dave 

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