Eddy Nigg (StartCom Ltd.) wrote:
> Nelson Bolyard wrote:
>> Does serf use "modSSL"?  If so, there is a "modNSS" that causes Apache to
>> use NSS instead of OpenSSL.  That might be an easy change for you.
> Nelson, what about the env variables as in 
> http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/mod/mod_ssl.html
> Does mod_nss support the same naming convention? And is 
> NSSEnforceValidCerts equal to SSLVerifyDepth (with correct depth)?

Yes, mod_nss supports the same environment variables as mod_ssl.

Normally mod_nss will not let you start Apache with a bad certificate 
(expired, not a server cert, etc). NSSEnforceValidCerts lets you 
override that.

There is no equivalent for SSLVerifyDepth. My understanding of how 
intermediate CAs are evaluated in NSS is admittedly sketchy but I 
believe it requires all of them to be installed and trusted.

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