Maybe Nelson or somebody else can explain us the flow and requirements 

Frank Hecker wrote:
> Eddy Nigg (StartCom Ltd.) wrote:
>> Michael Ströder wrote:
>>> Who decided and why that EV meta data can only be added to trust anchors?
>> This is actually a valid question, since at common CA setups there is 
>> one root and different intermediates which sign according to different 
>> procedures. Haven't got to think about it, but if a root must be present 
>> this would imply that most of the times the relevant intermediate CA 
>> certificate signing EV certificates must be also included in NSS.
> I'm not an expert in this by any means, but I think this is addressed by 
> the section 7 text I referenced earlier: If a root has two subordinates, 
> one of which issues EV certs and one of which doesn't, then the CA cert 
> for the first subordinate includes the EV policy OID assigned to that 
> subordinate (or, as a special case for "in house" subordinates, the 
> "anyPolicy" OID), and NSS keeps a record of that EV policy OID as 
> metadata with the root CA cert.
> So for subordinate 1 the process looks like this AFAIK:
> 1. NSS finds that the end entity cert has a policy OID.
> 2. NSS verifies that the subordinate 1 CA cert has that same policy OID 
> (or the anyPolicy OID).
> 3. NSS verifies that the same policy OID is stored as (pre-loaded) 
> metadata with the (pre-loaded) root CA cert.
> 4. NSS recognizes the policy OID as indicating "EV-ness" and does 
> whatever it does to accord EV treatment to the EE cert.
> For subordinate 2, even though the end entity cert may have a policy OID 
>   meant to indicate EV-ness, the subordinate 2 CA lacks that policy OID 
> (or the anyPolicy OID) and so the EE cert will fail the "EV test".
> So AFAICT there's no need for NSS to pre-load the subordinate 1 CA cert.
> Frank

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