Frank Hecker wrote:
> DigiNotar has applied to add a new root CA certificate to the Mozilla 
> root store and enable it for EV, as documented in the following bug:
> I have evaluated this request, as per the CA certificate 
> policy:
> and plan to officially approve the request after a public comment period.

Based on the results of the public comment period, this application is 
in sort of a half-way state: The basic inclusion request (for SSL and 
object signing trust bits only) looks good, but there are some remaining 
open questions regarding enabling DigiNotar for EV (mainly Eddy's 
concern about EV re-audit).

Rather than delay this application indefinitely until those questions 
get resolved, I've decided to proceed in two steps. For step 1 I'll be 
formally approving inclusion of the DigiNotar root in NSS, with SSL and 
object signing trust bits enabled (no email trust bit). In step 2 I'll 
make a decision about approving the DigiNotar root for EV, once we have 
more information.

Formal approval for step 1 will follow shortly.


P.S. Note that I'm shortening the normal public comment period somewhat. 
  I'm doing that because based on the public comments I see no 
impediment to including the root for basic SSL and object signing, and 
I'd like to have Kai include it with the NSS changes for Network 
Solutions. The issues still under discussion are the email issue and the 
EV audit issue. The comment period remains open as far as those issues 
are concerned.

Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

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