Paul Hoffman wrote:
> What does "is cause for concern" mean when the majority of the 
> certificates in our list are 1024 bits? (I think that is still true....)

As noted by others, the checklist is for new roots, not legacy roots. If 
  we're going to have a gradual transition to 2048-bit modulus length 
for RSA keys, I think it's legitimate to question why a CA is applying 
to have a 1024-bit root included. I'd be glad to soften the language 
about "cause for concern", but I still want to flag 1024-bit roots as 
worthy of a further explanation. (E.g., is this a root created some time 
ago that is only now being proposed for inclusion? Was/is the root 
intended for use in low-end devices where performance was deemed an 
issue? Did the CA not think about the issue of modulus length at all? 
And so on.)

As for having a formal schedule for transition (i.e., not accepting new 
1024-bit roots after a certain date), I think that's a good idea.

> As for the ECC question: 256 bits is equivalent to 128 bits of symmetric 
> strength, as in AES-128.



Frank Hecker
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