is the most recent I can find.  They
factored a number of greater than 1024 bits, published on May 31 2007.

-Kyle H

On Fri, May 30, 2008 at 1:31 PM, Paul Hoffman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 9:49 PM +0300 5/30/08, Eddy Nigg (StartCom Ltd.) wrote:
>>Paul Hoffman:
>>>Again, I strongly strongly doubt that Mallory will try to break a
>>>1024-bit key for this attack, at least for 20 years or more.
>>I'm not sure from where you got this information
> RFC 3766, which is considered the "best current practice" for the
> IETF. I am the co-author of the document, and before being published,
> it was widely reviewed by cryptographers whose names you would
> recognize.
>>, because apparently a group of people succeeded in cracking the key
>>with 650 and something bytes already about two years ago with about
>>40 64bit AMD dual machines in four month time.
> Googling that is failing me.
>>I write this all from memory because I can't find that article again.
> OK, but an actual reference would be helpful.
>>I'm sure a big cluster of always getting stronger CPUs (dual, quad,
>>oct cores) will able to to get on 1024 bit keys in an ever shorter
>>time until the point to make it economically interesting.
> Please say why you are sure. Yes, the existence of someone who is
> richer that Bill Gates and who wanted to spend all of his money to
> break a single key in about a decade would be "economically
> interesting", but not in the way I think you meant.
> RFC 3766 is still used for making many important security decisions.
> The numbers and math in it are essentially the same as those used by
> NIST in the guidance that Nelson posted yesterday. To date, no one
> has asked us to update it, or even to make any significant
> corrections. If you know something we don't, it would be really
> useful to the whole Internet community to hear more.
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