Frank Hecker wrote:
In accordance with the schedule at

I am now opening the first public discussion period for a request from Microtec Ltd to add the Microsec e-Szigno Root CA root certificate to Mozilla. This is bug 370505, and Kathleen has produced an information document attached to the bug.

First, my apologies for the delay in my responding to the public comments. I've messed up the schedule I previously outlined; see below for my proposal to revise the schedule and deal with the Microsec request.

I've read through all the public comments. Rather than try to respond to each and every comment, I've written a brief summary of my understanding of the various issues raised. Please feel free to correct my understanding where appropriate.

* Translation of the Microsec CPSs. As I noted in my original message, all of the Microsec CPS documents are available in Hungarian only. Our policy does not mandate that CA documents be available in English, so I don't see a justification for requiring that Microsec prepare official English translations. Thus far we've relied on Microsec-provided translations of key CPS sections; the Mozilla Hungarian localization team (in the person of Kálmán Kéménczy) was kind enough to verify the accuracy of the translations.

IMO Getting human-created English translations of all the CPSs is going to be too difficult and time-consuming to be feasible, at least in the near term. I've followed up on the tips provided by Eddy Nigg and researched various options for machine translation of Hungarian. It appears that the best online option is the site:

The company behind the site also sells a Windows-based translation application (MorphLogic). I'm going to try and see if I can use either the site or (more likely) the application to get rough translations of relevant CPS sections, starting with the tables of contents.

* Liability associated with Microsec certificates. There were a number of comments relating to the monetary liability associated with Microsec certificates. The thread was interesting in relation to understanding practices in Hungary and the EU, but I think that ultimately it is not relevant to our consideration of this request. Our policy does not have any requirements relating to monetary liability of CAs, and I am not persuaded that disclaiming liability in certain contexts causes security issues for typical Mozilla users. I'm therefore minded to ignore this issue for purposes of evaluating this request.

* OCSP. My understanding is that the Microsec practice of having a separate root for OCSP is very problematic, particularly given the inclusion of AIA extensions with OCSP URLs in end entity certificates. As I understand it, Microsec is removing AIA extensions with OCSP URLs from end entity certificates and from intermediate CA certificates, and this should address this problem going forward. However there still appears to be an open question as to whether having an AIA extension with OCSP URL in the Microsec root certificate will cause a problem with NSS. (Nelson wrote that he was going to investigate this, but I don't recall seeing a followup to this.)

Based on the above, my inclination is to postpone consideration of this request for at least two weeks. That will give me time to try to get more of the Microsec CPS content translated, and also to get a final answer on the question of root certificates with AIA extensions with OCSP URLs. Once those two things get done I'll formally start a new public comment period. (You can still comment in the meantime, of course; I'm just setting a formal date for purposes of scheduling CA requests.)

I've revised the CA schedule to reflect this delay:


Frank Hecker
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