> Ian G wrote re CPSs not available in English:
>> Which leads to the first easy fix:  insist that all non-english CAs
>>  translate all their docs.  Then I can read the CPS!  I personally
>> am unsatisfied at that, I see flaws.
>> 1.  Frank has made the case for regional and local CAs.  The web is
>>  wide, and CPSs are very long documents.  So I think translating
>> *all* important documents to english is not only impractical but
>> also discriminatory, as non-english cultures (most of them) will
>> then face a barrier that the english do not do not.
> I'll differ from you somewhat here. As a practical matter browser
> vendors are a major audience for a CA's CPS, along with the CA's
> auditor, possibly government agencies concerned with the CA's
> operations, and whoever else might care to read it. I can understand
> a CA issuing its CPS in the native language of the country in which
> it operates; that's probably the best strategy to make sure the
> document is properly understood by relevant government agencies and
> by its auditors (if they're local).
> However if a CA doesn't offer an English translation of its CPS and
> other relevant documents then it disadvantages browser vendors and
> other application software vendors who might be interested in
> supporting use of the CA's certificates. I don't support making it
> mandatory that CAs provide an English version of the CPS, but I have
> no problem with telling CAs that not having an English version will
> likely cause delays with their application.

Perhaps, making such (discriminatory) criteria mandatory could still
be better than enforcing it without stating it clearly.

Our CA (Microsec Ltd, a leading CA in Hungary) submitted its inclusion
request February 2007.
Our first public discussion phase was opened October 2008,
this public discussion has been postponed, scheduled again and it seem
to be postponed again. I think, only the language of our documentation
remains the only open issue today.

Had we known that in order to be accepted to Mozilla, we MUST/SHOULD
submit either an English translation of our CPS/CPSs or we need to
maintain our complete documentation in English, perhaps we would have
made different decisions in the past two years. Our primary focus are
electronic signatures; browsers and SSL certificates are a marginal
issue for us. While submitting the English translation of a snapshot
of our documentation may be impractical and costly, maintaining a
complete documentation both in English and in Hungarian is a major
investment that shall perhaps never be justified.

Had we known that English documentation is a requirement, we could
have chosen to fulfill it by submitting a translation, we could have
sought other way to sell certificates accepted by Mozilla, or we could
have decided to forget about the Mozilla-inclusion-issue and to advise
the Hungarian public to use Explorer instead. Mozilla has the right to
determine the requirements for including CAs, but if this is a
requirement, then why it is not stated, why it is not public?

Being a long-term Mozilla fan, I am really sorry to say that the same
procedure at Microsoft was faster, much better defined, less ad hoc,
and a lot more transparent.


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