On 2/11/2009 8:43 AM, Ian G wrote:
> On 11/2/09 05:20, Frank Hecker wrote:
>> Ian G wrote:
>>> The policy says, we need published information, *eg* the CPS.
>>> Not, "CPS must be published."
>> Yes, exactly. We typically use the CPS and/or CP because almost all CAs
>> publish those documents; however there is no requirement that the
>> information published by the CA be in the form of a CPS or CP.
>> Speaking personally, I think think that it is good practice for CAs to
>> publish a CPS. If a CA has private information relating to detailed
>> internal processes that it does not wish to make public, I suggest that
>> it put such material in a separate "CA operations manual" that is
>> internal-only.
> OK, I made some changes on the wiki and added these words:
> https://wiki.mozilla.org/CA:Recommended_Practices#Recommended_practices
>    #  .... (we rely on public documents only).
>    # If you do not publish the CP/CPS (not recommended), you will need 
> to publish an extract that summarizes the portions that are of most 
> interest to us.
> This only reflects my understanding of the situation.  Also, I recognise 
> that the words on the wiki already almost nailed it, so we are in danger 
> of bureaucratic freefall...  Hack away...
> iang

This would then tie into the later section:

*  CAs should supply evidence of their being evaluated according to one
or more of the criteria accepted as suitable per the Mozilla policy.
 . . .
        *  All documents supplied as evidence should be publicly

However, the last sentence should be modified to say:

*  All documents supplied as evidence should be publicly available and
must be addressed in any audit.

I don't have (don't want) an account to update the Wiki.


David E. Ross

Don't ask "Why is there road rage?"  Instead, ask
"Why NOT Road Rage?" or "Why Is There No Such
Thing as Fast Enough?"
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