John Smith wrote, On 2009-05-07 15:00 PDT:

> I downloaded the NSS 3.12.3 and NSPR 4.7.4 source code and was running
> the provided test suite.  However, test #537 (part of "Cache CRL SSL
> Client Tests") gets stuck (all previous tests pass according to
> results.html), and I have to kill the test process.  The last few lines
> from output.log are (personal information was scrubbed):

John, Thanks for including the output log extract.  The test numbers do not
always refer to the same tests, so in general, it is necessary to have the
log output for any failed test in order to know which test failed and why.

> ================= Reloading CRL for group 43 - 48 =============
> tstclnt -p 8443 -h [my-ip-address] -f -d ../client -v \
>           -w nss -n TestUser41
> Request:
> GET 
> crl://[my-home-directory]/nss-3.12.3/mozilla/tests_results/security/[my-username].1/server/root.crl_43-48

There are certain tests that can only be run if you have certain servers
setup.  Those tests should not be enabled by default.   I think, but am
not certain, that the test you cited above is one of those.  The person
who knows for certain is on vacation.  I think he should be back next week.

> The temporary file used to capture the output of this test is about 6GB
> in size and is largely comprised of:
> over and over again.  

You can turn off that useless output by removing the -v from the command
line of the command that produces it.   That was added as a debugging aid
and should have been removed before the tarfile was published, but wasn't. :(

> If I comment out that particular test from the scripts, then all tests
> pass except for three: test #1723, #3029, #4566 (these three don't hang,
> they just fail).

Please give us the log extracts for those tests.  Otherwise those are just

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