Gervase Markham wrote:
The biggest impediment to secure email today is the existence and popularity of webmail. In Mozilla terms, the biggest impediment to Thunderbird today is Firefox.

It seems that people are happy to make the trade-off of privacy against convenience here. I suspect it's unlikely that we are going to be able to change their minds on that. Hence extensions like the above.

IMHO Web-mail *adds* security to the e-mail ecosystem since it requires
the user to authenticate in order to send a message.   In addition, few
Web-mail systems allow you to send under any other e-mail address than
that of the account.

Encryption is another thing which is impossible to scale-up using an
off-line e-mail model.  Exchanging certificates also violates the privacy
anyway since one of the most secret things is actually *who* you
communicate with.  You don't *have* to be a criminal to think so :-)

Google's Wave is more likely to answer our prayers than secure e-mail.
That means Firefox all the way.  Browsers rock!


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