I wrote:
>> If Microsoft has merely taken a DER-encoded object from another standard
>> and has incorporated it into a cert extension, that seems fine to me.
>> I hope they did it in such a way that existing BER/DER parsers of the
>> sMIMECapabilities attribute can just parse the extension body directly.

>> If you could supply a specification for this new extension, I'd file an
>> RFE for Thunderbird/NSS to handle these certs in the intended manner.

On 2009-07-02 02:20 PDT, Jean-Marc Desperrier wrote:
> I'm not very well placed to give a specification, but it seems it's 
> really nothing more than "take sMIMECapabilities, include it inside x509".
> It would be good to include the RFE also in Dogtag then.

I have subsequently learned that this is specified in RFC 4262.
I have filed RFEs for NSS and for Dogtag.  I CC'ed you on the NSS RFE.


Thank you for bringing this to my attention.

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