Ian G wrote:

>> Google's Wave will hopefully be the finale for S/MIME.

>Hmmm, tell me more.  It does look interesting!

>How is it secured?  I read some blurbs and things but I'm hoping someone 
>knows the answers.

I must confess that I don't have detailed knowledge about "Wave" but
it appears to be based on Google Talk and is said to be a distributed
IM+ system and more.

I'm sure that there always well be a market for true end-to-end encryption
but the drawbacks of using message encryption compared to session
encryption derived from an authentication means that it will be almost
non-measurable and thus is of no interest to me at least.  In fact, TTP-
based on-line message schemes can add really interesting qualities such
as hiding the identities of their clients so that only the final recipient
get that information.

An interesting observation is that Google launched this in an early state
as running code and as it appears, completely on their own.   This is
exactly what will also happen with the stuff I work with; standardization
simply isn't going anywhere!  I have participated in several stds.
bodies that didn't get their act together :-(
The biggest hurdle is that many people are unclear with what their
true goals are which I think has been visible in the S/MIME debates
Something that I almost always find lacking is a deployment strategy.
Personally I think this is more important than the actual standard itself!

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