>Anders, I think you must take your ideas to a standards body

Eddy, this is exactly what I believed/hoped/craved for.

Unfortunately, the people who represent "stake holders" like EU governments and banks do participate in International foras like OASIS and IETF, nor fund such developments. It also seems that browser-standards are difficult to get anywhere with even if you are W3C.

So for good or worse, I have come to the conclusion that Open Source and to some extent also Open Hardware (new tokens) is *my* way forward.

I don't expect or need a Mozilla endorsement, but it would be awfully nice if we could get an XML protocol extension scheme running and then let Mr. Darwin figure who's extensions are the best! There are tons of stuff waiting for such a facility but instead of fixing it, everybody is trying their own scheme leading to miserable stability and very slow progress.

NSAPI isn't really cutting it, because it is is for people doing web content.

It would cost a week or two of Mozilla R&D but I am sure it would be worth it. I would do it myself but a Mozilla spokesman said that it would fail for every marginal revision and that put me down :-(


Eddy Nigg wrote:
On 07/03/2009 08:15 AM, Anders Rundgren:
I'm sorry about that. Is there any other place where Mozilla people hang
out where there is an interest in trying to understand why and what is
happening on the PKI side for consumers?

Anders, I think you must take your ideas to a standards body - I think that's the only way to move it forward. I highly suspect that Mozilla will not adopt something which isn't more or less universally recognized, specially in this field.

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