Nelson Bolyard wrote:
> I wrote:
>>> If Microsoft has merely taken a DER-encoded object from another standard
>>> and has incorporated it into a cert extension, that seems fine to me.
>>> I hope they did it in such a way that existing BER/DER parsers of the
>>> sMIMECapabilities attribute can just parse the extension body directly.
> [..]
> I have subsequently learned that this is specified in RFC 4262.

IMHO there are pros and cons for using this cert extension. I think
section 3. and 4. of RFC 4262 are a bit vague about the implementation
details and security considerations.

I don't know how NSS caches the S/MIME capabilities received in signed
S/MIME messages.

But I'd suggest to add a time-stamp and update the S/MIME capabilities
and timestamp whenever a new S/MIME message is received. I'd suggest to
use the cert extension solely when no signed S/MIME message was received
so far or the notBefore date of the e-mail cert is newer than the
timestamp of the last S/MIME caps stored. Still this assumes that the
issuing CA really knows about the correct S/MIME caps which could be
true for corporate CAs issuing e-mail certs for a well-defined set of MUAs.

Ciao, Michael.

Michael Ströder
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

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