On Fri, Dec 4, 2009 at 10:33 AM, Nelson B Bolyard <nel...@bolyard.me> wrote:
> Stefan, You're asking a question about a portion of Firefox known as PSM.
> PSM implements Firefox's certificate UI, and it also implements Firefox's
> JavaScript support for access to certificates.  It interfaces to the
> underlying crypto libraries, which are discussed in this group.
> Discussions of PSM are welcome here, but unfortunately, the people who
> work on PSM don't participate in this group very often.  I wish I could tell
> you that there's some other group where they DO participate regularly, but
> I'm not aware of one.  Sorry.

Ah.  I thought they hung out in mozilla.dev.security?  That's much
more likely, anyway -- the PSM folks don't care about the
cryptography, they just care about trying to expose its functionality
to the user without bogging down in details, and I'm pretty sure the
decision to change the certificate exception dialog was discussed

-Kyle H
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