On 5/29/2012 9:37 AM, Gervase Markham wrote:
install_allowed_from for free HTML5 apps seems to me to be a way of
perpetuating first-mover advantage, if you can persuade free app
developers to only allow your store, or if you can rewrite the served
manifest to say that.

It seems to me you're making a lot of assumptions here. This is an app developer control point, not a Mozilla control point and I don't see any evidence that Mozilla is trying to persuade free app developers to only use our store. To the contrary, we're doing an amazing amount of work to make it possible for app authors to host where ever they would like to host, including self-hosting.

If I'm missing something, and we are trying to persuade free app developers to only allow our store, please point me to where that is happening.

- A
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