On 28/05/12 17:06, Anant Narayanan wrote:
> Sure, let's go with this analogy. The key concept is that the
> manufacturer has full control over who is able to distribute their
> product. 

No, they don't. They really don't. If I go to a second-hand bookstore,
the store has not had to ask permission from all the publishers before
stocking the books. If I go to my local Tesco and buy some cans of
beans, I can sell them in my shop without permission from either Tesco
or the original manufacturer of the beans. Even for non-tangible things,
First Sale says (or should say) that I can resell them without
permission of the original copyright owner. And the original
manufacturer doesn't get to set the price, or control the marketing I use.

Let's try and get back to a high level. Do we want multiple flourishing
competing web app stores, or not? If so, don't you agree that this
feature works against that? If not, how is our store different in
approach to the Chrome, Apple or Google stores?

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