Hi folks.

Sorry for being late. I want to add two thought to the discussion: one is about 
service workers. For educational purposes, I want you to take a look at 
`offliner` [1] a toy library using Service Workers (in Chrome Unstable) I 
implemented for the Portland event, past December. It's as simple as include 
three files in your root directory and it tries to do all the hard work for you 
as described in posts before: fetch from the web and if this fail, fetch from a 
local cache.

In the other hand, once we resolve the problem of off-line availability, we are 
facing all the security problems (signing, trusting, unsafe updates) but I tend 
to think about Web of Trust here. I think we over-engineer the worst situation 
in the past, when we were releasing Firefox OS 1. In my most radical 
perspective and In few words: I think we must not impose restrictions to what 
things a web applications can do (which does not imply to remove permissions), 
just rely on the user community or trusted third parties to make a decision.

I remember a conversation with Fernando and Francisco about the meaning of User Agent: it 
is the piece of software you put on behalf of yourself to deal with the Web. Normally, 
this is part of the browser, it is tied to Gecko itself but, why not making it part of 
the System app guiding and encouraging safe practices to the user: trusted origins, safe 
search engines, user reviews, application alerts, suspicious changes, highlighting for 
specially harmful permissions... This is a problem of user's education and, as Christian 
Heilmann said in the referred post [2], "Offline First Needs UX Love" .

So, summarizing, I see the need for service workers and all the off-line stuff 
and that is great from the developer's perspective but we need this educational 
process starting right now for the user.

What do you think?

[1] https://github.com/lodr/offliner/

On 02/02/15 19:52, Benjamin Francis wrote:
Thanks for all of the feedback so far!

I've submitted a new proposal for "Privileged Hosted Apps" to the dev-webapi mailing 
list. Feedback very welcome 

dev-b2g mailing list


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