2) Yes.
3) True, I think gen-py, and gen-rb, should be included as a minimum.
I'm not sure about gen-cpp... but I can include it, as I tried to
install thrift with maximum options enabled.

Christopher L Tubbs II

On Mon, May 13, 2013 at 10:40 AM, Josh Elser <josh.el...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 5/12/13 11:45 PM, Christopher wrote:
>> 1) we don't need to include java bindings for the proxy; compiled
>> versions are already in the proxy jar,
>> 2) not all packagers will even have installed thrift with the ability
>> to produce ruby and python bindings,
>> 3) these may or may not be helpful to any particular end user (though
>> it's probably safe to assume ruby and python will be the most common),
>> 4) we're not including the proxy.thrift file, which is perhaps the
>> most important file for the proxy, and including it should be
>> sufficient.
> 1)That works. I should've caught that when I was in the proxy last and I
> didn't.Thanks for that.
> 2) Do you mean packagers as in people who might make an official release? I
> would think these are the only people that "really" matter, and thus I would
> expect them to be able to build a full distributionthat include these
> bindings. It might be nice to be able to create a packaging for each
> language (gem, egg, etc); but until we have some sort of packaging, I'd
> really like to see theruby and pythonsources included even in the binary
> dist.
> 3)True, but I'd rather set the bar as low as possible for people who just
> want to play around in a scripting language with Accumulo.
> 4) Definitely want to make sure it's included.
> Does anyone have an opinion on other languages that thrift supports that we
> should also create bindings for? I concur with your opinion on Ruby and
> Python, but I wonder if there's something else that people would also like.

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