As part of SSL, we need to introduce configuration so accumulo clients
(such as ZooKeeperInstance) can find trust stores.  It seems like this has
a lot in common with shell config files in ACCUMULO-1397.  Do people think
these should be combined, or should the shell have its own separate config?
 I was imagining a simple java .properties-style key=value list.  Does this
seem reasonable?  Or should the format be more like the xml of the site
config?  I was also imagining looking through a list of files that would
each override settings, perhaps in the following order (from lowest to
highest priority):

--client-config command line switch for shell or explicit parameter passed
to ZooKeeperInstance

Does this sound good to y'all?  Should the explicit switch/parameter have
per-property override semantics, or should it just be used as the exclusive
source of properties if specified?

Mike Drob, are you actively working on the shell side of this already?  I
see that bug is assigned to you...


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