I don't think every committer should be on the PMC by default. Not all may
want that responsibility, and may not be ready for it, either. Lowering the
bar to entry may be useful, but this seems too low.

On Thu, Jan 29, 2015, 7:36 AM Hadrian Zbarcea <hzbar...@gmail.com> wrote:

> They can indicate the same by doing whatever they want to do, nobody
> stops them to self elect and do whatever they like, scratch an itch.
> They prove that they understand the ASF values and they get voted in. I
> am not ok with providing blanket binding votes in this community where
> proper mentorship has been a problem. I do encourage however any
> committer to be proactive and do all the management he's interested in.
> I encourage any contributor to keep contributing, improve their skills,
> and *their* project (activemq) and become, if they want, committers
> (speaking of which, doesn't necessarily need to be only code, I got a
> lot of complaints lately about documentation). They all got my full
> support.
> -1 (binding)
> Hadrian
> On 01/29/2015 08:42 AM, Gary Tully wrote:
> > In that way, committers that are interested in project management
> > duties can indicate same with their votes. Effectively self elect to
> > step up to the task.
> >
> > What is the down side?

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