Thanks for the proposal Matt.

I am in favour of the [Scope][Benefits][Rationale] sections of your proposal. 
They are clear.

I am pretty sure I’m in favour of the [Proposal] section, so assuming my 
understanding is correct, and the voice of a humble community member is 
helpful, it's +1 at least on my end :)

  *   The persistence layer knows best what term to use for mode, so it can 
expose words like, “primary”, “leader”, “follower” or “replica"
  *   The broker layer knows best what state it is in by using information from 
the persistence layer and can expose “active” and “standby”
  *   In the case of shared storage, “mode” is meaningless, so this is omitted
  *   None of these have to be verbs, and likely won’t be? (I can’t think of 
any reason why a verb offers any added clarity for the existing supported 
options in the project).

Étienne Hossack
Software Development Engineer, Amazon MQ


On Jul 12, 2021, at 10:40 AM, Matt Pavlovich 
<<>> wrote:

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   ActiveMQ 5 and Artemis are both re-working legacy terminology to better 
describe function and move away from problematic language for shared storage 
and replication terminology indicators.


   JIRA discussion: 
   Mailing list:


   P-1. Broker layer will maintain a status— ‘active’ or ’standby’ based on 
signals from persistence layer

   P-2. Persistence layer will optionally provide a noun and verb based on the 
underlying technology's terminology.

   P-3. ActiveMQ project created persistence layers that support replication, 
the terminology should attempt to provide noun and verb terms to describe the 
mode and state.
           Mode: ‘primary’ and ‘replica’
           Status: ‘active’ and ’standby'


   S-1. Terminology alignment between ActiveMQ 5 and Artemis is only for shared 
storage, replicated storage, broker status, and future terms.


   B-1. Terms for Broker state will be aligned between ActiveMQ 5 and Artemis 
free of problematic language.

   B-2. Terms for replication will bubble up “as-is” based on the underlying 
persistence layer technology.

   B-3. If both ActiveMQ 5 and Artemis use the same replication tech, then 
terms will be aligned.

   B-4. If one provides a persistence layer adapter that the other does not 
there is no phantom noun or verb present on the other broker that has no direct 
technical meaning


  R-1. Attempting to create common terms may leave one broker with a phantom 
term that has no meaning

  R-2. Attempting to create common terms is problematic when two supported 
persistence adapter layer technology use different terms (leader / follower, vs 
primary / replica).

  R-3. Renaming terminology that is not problematic for the sake of alignment 
(ie. acceptor vs transportConnector) unfairly creates burden on the existing 
user base.

Thank you,
-Matt Pavlovich

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