On Wed, 3 Apr 2024 at 21:14, Matt Pavlovich <mattr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello @dev-
> I argue that we are effectively already using GitHub for issues, JIRA is just 
> getting a back-port sync of the discussion. The reality is that code-change 
> discussions are occurring on the PRs, not in JIRA or mailing lists-- and that 
> makes sense. It is far easier to have a discussion while referencing the line 
> of code and providing a checklist of issues to resolve to the committer. The 
> GitHub-to-JIRA synchronization is noisy and generates a lot of text in the 
> JIRA comments that aren't really legible.

That argument seems centered on the code discussion on a PR being the
main interesting bit of a Jira / Issue. For me, and I expect a lot of
users, I'd say it is often rather more the initial description/report
for e.g what a bug is, the collating of the [often multiple and
separate] commits made to fix it, and the release version tracking,
that tend to be as much or more interesting aspect of a Jira than what
are often just 'working thoughts' comments on a PR to get from the
initial proposed change to whatever is pushed. For that stuff, indeed
the PR is often a better place for to see that in-context. This would
be true for me, and again I expect a lot of users, regardless whether
it was an Issue or a Jira being used to track things (or at least,
would be supposing people adequately xref commits/Issues to make up
for the limitations in Issues/PRs use of Milestones to track
versions...i.e they can only point to 1).

(On the comments, the Github updates on our Jira's go in as 'work log'
entries rather than regular comments, so they actually aren't in the
way normally)

> The JIRA issue-to-PR process is cumbersome, there's now even a "NO-JIRA" 
> process to work around that reality -- and that has led to back-and-forth on 
> certain issues that start NO-JIRA, and then need to have a JIRA created and 
> vice-versa.

Thats been happening since before PRs were an option, started due to
direct commit/push behaviour where PRs wouldnt have existed anyway,
and could essentially still happen with Issues too depending on what
approach were to be decided on for Issue <-> PR relationship, i.e
whether an issue is always needed or if a PR alone is sufficient.

It was me that initially coined the NO-JIRA thing over at Qpid  > 10
years ago, as an escape for a commit hook that required a Jira ref, to
help prod people that were not creating Jiras for
actually-quite-important/notable changes out of pure laziness, and
make it clear it wasnt then 'just an oversight' it was omitted. Alas,
since the ASF operated on a single foundation-wide Subversion
repository at the time, and due to the way the hook had to actually
operate as a result, it was found to be too slow to justify applying
it to every commit at the ASF just for one/some projects benefit to
prod people to be less lazy, and so that side ultimately didnt happen.
The commit message bit stuck around though, migrated, and has over
time become just as abused as reference'less commit logs were. Doh :)

The equivalent while having Issues instead of Jira's would center
around deciding if we wanted to always have an Issue for a given
change even if a PR is being raised, given that whilst they do share a
number space they are still defaulted to mostly being distinct things
in the UI and URLs. I expect many people making changes often won't
bother to raise an Issue, just the PR (or again, sometimes neither).
Most people not interested in making changes (i.e most user reports)
will of course just raise an Issue alone. Often people will raise a
non-xref'd PR for the same thing even though the Issue exists, since
they didnt raise or notice that Issue themselves originally (same
happen with Jira's too). This is an annoyance I find with Issues and
PRs, sharing a number space and being treated similarly by many, while
still being considered quite separate especially in the UI and URls
(the main annoyance being Milestone handling, where you can only have
1, which I find it means most projects just have useless or no release
notes for their non-latest releases as a result, and you really just
need to look at the tags and commits to see what you need)

> Issues:
>  - Customizable templates that can enforce policy to reduce back-and-forth 
> with in-experienced issue submitters.

I find those templates as much just increase the number of Issues
littered with templates not actually filled in.

> Release notes:
>  - Simple generation, template-izable and ability to customize at release 
> time (ie to remove any NO-JIRA type things that don't need to be in release 
> notes)
> In terms of migration complexity, I think the numbers make the migration 
> effort look larger than the actual reality on the ground. We are really 
> talking about 2 active repos (activemq & artemis) and 1 periodically updated 
> repo (nms).
> Migration can be over time and on a project-by-project or repo-by-repo basis. 
> The majority of total repo count are NMS related, and there is an argument 
> that those should be combined to a single repo  for easier release. Using the 
> top-level NMS project for issues and labels for sub-projects would be 
> suitable for a low-traffic module such as that.

I dont think we should be combining things into aggregate repos again.
They essentially started that way and were split out along the lines
which they are independently developed and released. Given there are
really only 2 NMS clients and the NMS API getting any attention, and
really not much at that, I see no need to combine anything there.

> The activemq-cli-tools can move/migrate into the main ActiveMQ repo, its a 
> simple tool and it makes sense to include that function in the distribution.

It was put in its own repo because it was applicable to / dependent on
both 5.x and Artemis, and so it could be independently updated and
released in cases where it needed updates from both...it's not clear
to me that moving it into one or the other broker repo makes sense any
more now than it did originally (supposing it were even being actively
updated, which it isnt).

> We've transitioned to a new era in software development, and we should move 
> to the tools that are more readily used by dev-users in this era. That is 
> currently GitHub. GitHub is a better toolkit for streamlining the management 
> of the project and developing community engagement.
> Thank you for attending my TED talk,
> Matt Pavlovich
> > On Apr 2, 2024, at 2:52 PM, Justin Bertram <jbert...@apache.org> wrote:
> >
> > There's been a few threads about this general subject, but most have
> > concentrated on Classic in particular. I think it's worth discussing
> > migration of ActiveMQ as a whole and diving a bit deeper into the details
> > of why a migration makes (or doesn't make) sense and what the challenges
> > may be.
> >
> > To this end I've put together this document [1]. I hope it will be of
> > service to the community as we consider this option.
> >
> >
> > Justin
> >
> > [1]
> > https://github.com/jbertram/activemq-website/wiki/Apache-ActiveMQ-GitHub-Issues-Migration-Review

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