+1 (non binding)

On Fri, Apr 5, 2019 at 12:19 PM Driesprong, Fokko <fo...@driesprong.frl>

> Dear Airflow community,
> This email calls for a vote to accept Airflow Improvement Proposal 10:
> Multi-layered and multi-stage official Airflow image.
> The vote will last for at least 1 week until Midnight Friday 12th of April,
> and at least three +1 (binding) votes have been cast.
> Current official Airflow image is rebuilt from the scratch every time when
> a new commit is done to the repo. It is a "mono-layered" one and does not
> use Docker's multi-layer architecture nor multi-stage Docker architecture.
> Mono-layered image means that builds after only small changes take as long
> as full build rather than utilize caching and only rebuild what's needed.
> This change will make development on Airflow faster, and simplify the whole
> CI process. We can both use the multi-layered image both for CI and
> development.
> For a detailed explanation and discussing the proposal in depth, please
> refer to the Wiki to keep all the communication in a single place:
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/AIRFLOW/AIP-10+Multi-layered+and+multi-stage+official+Airflow+image
> This is my +1 (binding) vote.
> Thanks,
> Fokko

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