Does anything in Airflow depend upon the TZ environment variable, or even the 
stock tz behaviour? I thought we used the pendulum library as it was more 

If it's just that one test that fails it should be fixed, and perhaps added to 
our docs they TZ isn't respected (ie use the existing config options we've 
already got)


On 14 April 2019 08:28:34 BST, Jarek Potiuk <> wrote:
>Hello Airflowers.
>While testing the multi-staging docker I've found an incompatibility
>problem between python 3.5 and 3.6 w/regards to Timezone DST. Seems
>to a known TZ behaviour change in Python 3.6
>I created a JIRA issue for it:
> but it's not
>obvious whether the problem is in the test or it's a real Airflow
>Before I dig deeper, maybe someone who is more familiar with the
>tests/code can shed some light on this ? I use the Simplified
>Workflow environment to test it and I have repeatable behaviour so I
>very quickly retest it if someone can suggest some solutions :)
>Jarek Potiuk
>Polidea <> | Principal Software Engineer
>M: +48 660 796 129 <+48660796129>

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