Hello everyone,

We are close to finish AIP-10 (Airlfow image for CI) and seems that we will
start working soon on an official image AIP, but in the meantime we have
1.10.4 release coming and we would like to agree tagging scheme used for
the current CI images. We discussed it a bit on Slack, but it's time to
bring it here. I created a JIRA issue for it:
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/AIRFLOW-4764  and my proposals after
the initial discussion are those:

First of all we have different images that we can talk about :

   1. "base" one - with bare development-ready airflow with minimum set of
   2. "CI" with all the tools packages that are needed for CI tests
   3. Soon we will likely have an "official" one which might be used in
   similar fashion as the "puckel" one.

There are two decisions to make:

1) How to keep those images - in one repository or whether we should have
separate repos.

It is easier for now to keep all of them within apache/airflow
<https://cloud.docker.com/u/apache/repository/docker/apache/airflow> repository
it seems and use a labelling scheme to separate those (there is nothing
wrong with that but it might seem a bit hacky). It's a bit easier to
maintain with access and CI.

We could also think about separate apache/airflow-ci, apache/airflow-dev,
apache/airflow-prod or smth similar - that would require some
infrastructure tickets and is not very common.

2) What labelling scheme to use(apache/airflow:label). My proposal is
similar to this (if we keep everything in the airflow repository)

   - *latest* = latest released version (python 3.5)  = * v1.10.3-python3.5*
   - *master* = latest master version (python 3.5)  = *v2.0.0dev0-python3.5*
   - *v1.10.3-python3.5,v1.10.3-python3.6*  - released 1.10.3 with python
   - *latest-ci *= latest released version of CI variant (python 3.5)
   - *master-ci* = latest master version of CI variant (python 3.5)
   - *v1.10.3-ci-python3.5, v1.10.3-ci-python3.6* - released 1.10.3 with
   python 3.5/3.6

My preference is to keep all the images in one repo and use labelling
scheme as above,
but I am open to discuss this.



Jarek Potiuk
Polidea <https://www.polidea.com/> | Principal Software Engineer

M: +48 660 796 129 <+48660796129>
[image: Polidea] <https://www.polidea.com/>

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