I have no strong "No" against any proposed change of these cases. So I go with 
+1 (non-binding).

P.S. Thanks Jarek for bringing this up again and your intense work towards 
airflow currently :) and thanks to Kamil for even creating this document. I 
like how the code is getting more and more consistent and clean :)

Kind regards,

Sent from ProtonMail mobile

-------- Original Message --------
On Jul 23, 2019, 18:34, Jarek Potiuk wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> This email is calling a vote on the changes in import paths. It's been
> discussed in
> https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/4e648d9421c792d4537f5ac66f1a16dce468f816fc5221a9f9db9433@%3Cdev.airflow.apache.org%3E
> The vote will last for at least 1 week (July 30th 6pm CEST), and at least
> three +1 (binding) votes have been cast.
> The proposal to vote is based on the document from Kamil
> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1F8zve5S78DXcjpPttW89HnqT0M0iKjT6fo9jX57Ef6A/edit#>
> The proposed solution is:
> - *Case 1: B: Contrib vs not: we move all that are "well" tested and
> rename contrib to "incubating" or similar.*
> - *Case 2: B: Airflow.operators.foo_operator.FooOperator could
> become airflow.operators.foo.FooOperator*
> - *Case 3: C:
> airflow.contrib.operators.gcp_bigtable_operator.BigTableOperator could
> become airflow.gcp.operators.bigtable.BigTableOperator*
> - *Case 4: B: no namespace introduction*
> - *Case 5: B: Keep "Operator" (and "Sensor") suffixes on class names*
> - *Case 6: We will treat isolated cases on case-by-case (and my team can
> do the job of GCP-related operators)*
> This is my (binding) +1 vote.
> Best regards,
> J.
> --
> Jarek Potiuk
> Polidea <https://www.polidea.com/> | Principal Software Engineer
> M: [+48 660 796 129](tel:+48660796129) <[+48660796129](tel:+48660796129)>
> [image: Polidea] <https://www.polidea.com/>

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